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Bad Omens- Rock City, Nottingham

A year after releasing their third album ‘The Death Of Peace of Mind’, the American originated band hit the UK for their ‘CONCRETE JUNGLE’ tour. Sixth day of being on the UK roads, Bad Omens hit the stage of Rock City, Nottingham. Followed by rock band Oxxymorrons and hip hop band GHOSTKID, Bad Omens returned for the first time since 2018. The four piece metal band made their entrance to the crowd sound tracked to the track ‘Concrete Jungle’.

Taking the crowd for a trip down memory lane, the band a 2016 classic ‘Glass Houses’ leaving the crowd with nostalgic memories of the bands debut self-titled album. The sellout crowd let an outburst of screams fill up the air in the tightly packed venue.

For a band that isn't a regular visitor to the UK, they can well and truly say that they know how to get a crowd going as the set continued with songs both from their most recent and earlier albums, the crowd did not stop once.

The band gave their fans what they had been seeking for the past five years as the night went on, with mosh pits being opened and filled by the crowd for every song. Many were even crowd surfing in between the mosh pits.

Front man, Noah Sebastian introduced the next song as it hit number 1 in America and then continued to “we are going to help you learn this song if you don't already know it”. Sebastian sang the chorus for the eager crowd and instantly everyone in the room was singing it back to them.

Like you may see at any other gig you attend, the band took part in the encore after making their appearance back on stage after a short while and the crowd chanting “one more song, one more song, one more song”.

The band closed their set with three fan favorites “THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND” “Dethrone” and “What do you want from me?” Both of the opening acts, Oxxymorrons and GHOSTKID, entered the stage during the final song to perform push ups and star jumps with Noah and the rest of the band. It is clear that this band has been greatly missed by the UK audience, and perhaps it won't be long until they return once more.

By - Katie Graham

Photo - Bryan Kirks


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