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Interview with Balancing Act

Hi guys, thank you for joining us today, so tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The past 12 months have essentially been our first 12 months. We released our first single last February, we followed that with an EP in November and celebrated all of that with our first live shows in September. This year has been more of the same, more music, more creating and just trying to get our name out there!

What has been the biggest highlight of Balancing Act so far?

Probably our last London gig at The Lower Third. We’re still such a new band and to see that many people crammed into a room singing our songs back at us felt special.

So how did you first get into making music?

We all grew up surrounded by music. You hear it on the radio, you see bands on tv, it just looks like the coolest thing in the world so how could we not want to try it?

How would you describe your sound?

If Portishead made a rock album then we’d be hanging around somewhere near it.

What was the process like in recording your upcoming single 'Rabbit Hole'?

We recorded ‘Rabbit Hole’ at the Firepit with Richard Woodcraft. It took on a whole different life once we got it into the studio. It was the first song we’ve had to battle with in order to get it right but because of that it ended up being probably one of the most rewarding experiences we’ve had. We’re ridiculously happy with it and it showcases another side to Balancing Act that we don’t think people have seen just yet.

What is 'Rabbit Hole' about?

It’s about gardening… obviously.

What can your listeners expect from your upcoming music?

More sounds, more range, we haven’t given everything away yet. There’s plenty of exciting songs in the pipeline.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

Group hug or red wine, depends on the gig.

If 'Rabbit Hole' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Donnie Darko.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

Nothing out of the ordinary, it’s normally just our stuff breaking and us laughing at ourselves. All part of the fun though!

What's next for you?

‘Rabbit Hole’ comes out on May 26th. We have our first headline tour in September. Then in the meantime we’re always working and recording so I imagine you’ll hear something new before then as well.

By - Katie Graham

Photo- Isy Townsend


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