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Interview with Caity Baser

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

So the last twelve months; I released an EP, I did my first little mini tour, I signed a record deal, I did my first festival, I went to South Africa and that was fun, slay!

How did you first get into making music?

I've always made music, it wasn't always good. I was little and I would go downstairs and be like 'Mum, I've made a song' and it would be shit. I guess in school, when I was like 13, I taught myself the piano and then I started making songs through that. I just kept making songs and making songs and now I do it for a living.

What has been the biggest highlight so far?

Probably this tour that I'm on right now actually. It's just crazy, every single night, there's people there for me. I've never been to Newcastle before and I'm just walking round and there's people like 'OH MY GOD' and it's just crazy. That's my favourite thing I think, just doing it everyday with the people I love, and performing it to the people I love. It's just really cool.

What was the process like in recording your latest single?

The process, should I explain it step by step? So I wake up and get on the train, go to London because I live in Brighton. Then I get to the studio and I'm with these two boys that does all of Central Cee's stuff which is why I find it funny because they're like these two big boys from Manny making drill songs and then I'm there like 'lalala pretty boys lalala'. I was just walked in the studio and was like 'right I want to making a funny song about a boy because I went on a date the other day and it was so shit, he was so boring but he was so fit and I still slept with him' and they were like 'ok cool'. Then I just started saying 'we had our first date three weeks ago on Monday' just explaining how it went down, word for word and then the song was born.

What are some of your main musical influences?

I always hate this question because I'm like: I love everything, I'm inspired and influenced by pretty much anything I see. I'd say I really love old school horns and harmonies and stuff like; Etta James, Louis Armstrong, the Ronettes and the three piece girl groups from the 50s. I love that shit also Rizzle Kicks, The Streets, Lily Allen, Kate Nash, literally everything. I could literally go on, I love everything.

Describe your sound in three words.

Fun, British, cheeky.

Do you have any pre gig rituals?

Yes, I drink honey, lemon, ginger and hot water every single time. Also everything before I go out on stage I look at myself in the mirror and I will say 'You're going to be the biggest popstar the world has ever fucking seen Caity Baser' and then I run out on stage. I've always done it and I don't know why, just affirmations I guess. I also just run about, jumping jacks maybe the splits and some cartwheels .

What is the funniest thing that has happened whilst touring or performing?

There's been so many things. So in Birmingham, before I got there, we were on the bus to the venue and I saw a story of this older man saying 'I'm outside Caity Baser's show' and was just announcing that he was there with his daughter obviously. The man was called Chris so when I got to the venue I just shouted 'CHRIS' and he was like the oldest man there with his little girl and it was just hilarious. He was iconic he had a little KFC, it was quite funny because everyone sang him a song 'We love you Chris'.

If you could have any celebrity to star in your music video, who would it be?

Doja Cat, I fucking love her so much. She's just wild, I love her.

If your music could be in any film, what one would it be in?

A coming of age, British Romcom.

What is next for you?

Lots of festivals, I'm doing like 20 or something mad it's just ridiculous, I want to do another tour as well before the end of the year, I've got a new song that I'm excited about releasing, maybe some collaborations, an album and I want to see a turtle as well in the flesh. I've never seen a turtle in my life, well I have but not properly so i want to see a turtle.

By - Katie Graham


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