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Interview with Caity Baser

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The last 12 months, madness if I'm being honest with you. I've been doing tours, festivals, got nominated for a Brit, I was in the top 20. It's been a madness, it's been crazy. I've travelled loads, it's been great.

So with the upcoming release of your mixtape 'Still Learning' can you tell us a bit about the background and writing process?

So the mixtape I made in the space of mainly last year. There's one song on there 'All At Once' which I made 3 years ago, or something wild. It was all made last year in the gaps of festival season and tour. Any time I had, it was just in the studio and I was making songs just without thinking about what they would mean at the end of it, if that makes sense. Then when I had time to think about things, my team were like 'What does this mean Caity? 'What are these songs?' and I was like 'I don't fucking know'. Like I have no idea and that was the first time I've ever heard that. Normally I have such a great sense of creative direction but I literally had nothing because I was in a daze from doing so much shit. Then that is where the whole idea came from of still learning, still learning how to do things, still learning to figure it out. I think a lot of people feel that way so we love.

So your most recent single 'I'm A Problem', if you had to describe it to someone that has never heard it before, what would you say?


What is your favourite song that is on the mixtape and do you want to tell us a bit about the mixtape as a whole?

My favourite song is probably 'Oh Well' although I've been going back to the gym guys and I've been listening to 'The Plot' as I'm working out because it gives me energy. But I'd say 'Oh Well' because it's a really sad song but it sounds really happy. It's about a time when I was actually so sad because I was falling out with my friends and I ended a relationship that I thought would last forever and I was just all over the place. Then once I sort of thought about it and was just like oh well, it was fine. Yeah, the whole time I was recording that song I was in tears and nobody can hear that apart from me. I think that's why I love that even though I've just told yous so now you guys know as well. Everyone's going to know.

What song are you most excited to play on your upcoming tour?

Probably 'The Plot' just because it's hilarious. I'm excited to just jump around and do it.

Which city are you most excited to play in on your upcoming tour?

This is hard because I'm just excited to be anywhere, I can't wait. Probably Southhampton because I'm from there and the place that I'm playing at, I use to walk past every day on the way to college. I would be like 'I wanna play there one day' and everyone would be like 'yeah whatever' and now fuck you because I am. It's just going to be a great, smug, happy moment for me which should be great.

How are you feeling about to put out your mixtape to the world?

I feel great, I feel so excited. All I feel is happiness and good vibes always. I can't wait, I feel like it's been a long time coming. I've not released a big project since this time last year basically. I'm just excited because as soon as I release it I go on tour, so it's like a special treat for me. I get to go out and play for like a month, it's .

What's next for you as a musician, what's your plans for the rest of the year?

So obviously i've got the mixtape, I've got the tour, I've got festival season and then I think I'm just going to lock myself away and make an album. I think that's what I want to do.

By - Katie Graham


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