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Interview with Chintzy Stetson-Coast Fest

Hi, thank you for joining us today, so tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The past 12 months, I went to Italy for a while and stayed in Tuscany where I DJ´d at a music festival and travelled around on my own for a while and came home. Since then I have just been living life to its most fullest. Change the question to the past month or the past fw months.

What's been the biggest highlight of making music?

It's getting my album out, my vinyl out. I've got a record, an album and everything in November time it'll be out. It's a solo Chintzy thing and the Safest Place stuff too.

Describe your sound in 3 words.

Tired, injustice, parmesan.

What's been the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

I shit my pants once. Loads of people have shit their pants, I don't think people talk about shitting their pants as much as they should because it happens to everyone and sometimes it happens when you´re just about to go on stage or do whatever you are about to do. It's not that funny though. The funniest thing, ok this is a good story, we were playing in Bristol or Cardiff, I can't remember. Anyways so I was in Brighton and we were playing this gig and I started talking on stage in-between songs and I was quite tired because I went to see the Rolling Stones in Edinburgh and I got the train after the gig the night before, saw The Stones and woke up at 4am and got the train back to Cardiff or Bristol or Brighton. Anyway, I was very fucking delusional to the point where it's more like jet lag. I'm trying to remember the next part to the fucking story. So we are playing and I'm trying to explain to everyone that there's merch available and at the time I was a bit tired and I said something along the lines of 'sometimes music can be a real chore and sometimes it can be the most beautiful thing ever but most of the time it feels like dragging a dead dog's corpse up and down the A1 until you run out of speed or charisma'. A woman gasped but the only way you could walk out the venue we were playing was if you walked past the stage and I didn't actually realised what had happened but the bass player at the time told me that she had went crazy and basically screaming and the walked out of the show and I was like 'oh wow'. It was hilarious but whilst reciting it, it was actually quite sad like a lot of things including the bible.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

This is weird, I was talking to Ed about this today. Ed has loads, Ed Smith from Jango Flash has loads. I don't want to say actually what his are because maybe that's his thing. We were having some lunch today and he was saying all these things and then asked me what I do and I said I don't have any and I said I just react to the shit around me and whatever I can get my hands on I'll eat or drink. If I can get a shaver maybe I'll have a shave. To be honest with you I'll look in a mirror and say to myself, 'you are getting an uber home tonight'. Then I'll never get an uber so I don't know why it's a good ritual.

If your music could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Ferris Bueller's Day Off. At the end when they do 'twist and shout' when it's the parade and it's all kicking off, I would take out 'twist and shout' and put in maybe, I don't know, maybe 'twist and pout'. I would probably write a song specifically for the movie. My Mum used to actually sit down and make me watch that film but she would sit me down infront of that part of the film. She would then sing 'twist and shout' and my Mum is not musical or anything or inclined with bands or whatever but I think she was trying to get me to dance when I was a baby. I was a late dancer, I've actually only just started about...tomorrow. I'm going to start tomorrow, two step.

You're on the phone to the doctors and you're on hold, what song could you listen to on repeat?

But I know what song it is when you're on hold. It would be 'doodoodoo doodoodoo doodoodoo that's just the way it is doodoodoo doodoodoo doodoodoo this will never be the same, that's just the way it is. So yeah 'The Way It is' by Bruce Hornsby.

You're the DJ at the coolest night club, what song would you open your set with and close with?

So I'd open with 'Love' by Sophie and I'd close with Lauren Hill 'Doo Wop (That Thing)'.

*insert some great singing*

I'd close with that and I did, yeah it's good, it's good, it works.

What's next for you?

Reply to NASA, dot some tees, cross some eyes and stay alive.

By - Katie Graham


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