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Interview with Ethan Moore

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The past 12 months: Before January 2023 I was studying music in college with no real experience in gigging, then came 2023 and I suddenly got the urge to start making music! This is where my EP 'Everything I Wanted To Say' came to life (in my bedroom haha!)

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

My biggest highlight? Easily being able to work with likeminded people, being able to throw ideas around and having people hear them out! I’m very lucky to be surrounded by such positive people who listen to my strange ideas and it’s definitely the biggest highlight of making music.

So how did you first get into making music?

Like I said January 2023 was a big month for me, I have old recording from the early hours of January 1st when I wrote ‘Strange’ a song from my EP. I’ve always loved music but could never put pen to paper properly and put a song together, but being in college, learning from people who have lots of experience really pushed me to start making my own music.

How would you describe your sound?

From the EP it’s very Singer/Songwriter, folky, however going forward I’m so excited to explore different sounds, with inspiration from the likes of Bon Iver, Jeff Buckley I want to bring a more alternative/indie side into my music, and i’ve already started writing songs with that vision in mind!

What was the process like in recording your latest EP 'Everything I Wanted to say'?

A couple months ago I was speaking to the lads from @limetreemusicstudios about coming on their podcast, after chatting to the producer, Lyndon, we thought why not give it a shot and try record some songs! After a couple of months working with Lyndon at Limetree Studios, things really started coming together, not only with the EP but with many demos for future songs. With it being a fully acoustic EP it was a huge challenge as everything is so raw and there is no room for mistakes, but after hours of making sure everything was to a good enough standard we managed to bring the EP together.

What is 'Everything I Wanted To Say' about?

My single ‘Everything I Wanted To Say’ is about looking back on a situation and sort of beating yourself up because you should’ve said, well, everything you wanted to say! It’s a situation we all may not want to admit we’ve been in but i’m sure we have at some point! It captures the realisation of knowing you were in the wrong and could’ve easily made things better.

What can your listeners expect from your upcoming music?

On new music, It’s going to be a little different. Taking a new turn, getting a full band involved and bringing to life my strange ideas!

What's next for you as an artist?

For the future, gigging as much as I can is my main goal! I have a gig supporting the class Conor Michael at Mosiac tap, August 17th which will be a great night, and hopefully getting out into Newcastle spreads my music and maybe I make a few quid in the future haha! Of course writing new songs like I mentioned before i’m currently planning the recording and release of my next single ‘Non Retrouvallie’ which i’m hoping could be really by early October. So much to come so little time to talk about it all!

By - Katie Graham


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