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Interview with Frankie Beetlestone-Leeds Festival

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

I've just moved to London, I'm from Sheffield so I've just moved to London, I've been writing songs, playing gigs, I've got into painting recently feeling very arty with that. Just living life, playings gigs, writing songs.

Do you have any pre gig rituals?

I warm my voice up in really weird ways, I do the really annoying 'BRR' to warm my voice up by my band just has a fag and then goes on so not really to be honest.

How would you describe your music to someone that has never heard it before?

If I had the choice I wouldn't, I'd rather them just listen to it and do it but if I had to, I would say, I guess there's a social commentary element to it but we like songs, good song writing, classic pop song writing with a band that's talking about something that matters as opposed to 'oh I'm in love with you, I love you so much'. I don't know, whatever you can windle that down to.

If you could join anyone on stage on the Leeds lineup this year, who would it be?

Sam Fender, I like him. I'd have to play one of his, that would be too weird wouldn't it if I played one of mine. Spit Of You, I love that.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

A couple of months ago in London we were playing and I knocked my drink over on stage because I was going mental jumping about. I knocked my drink over and it went everywhere, it went all over the guitarists pedals and stuff and the whole stage was just flooded with beer and it was ridiculous. No one knew because they couldn't see the floor from were they were stood but we found that particularly funny I guess.

What's been your favourite city to perform in?

Apart from Sheffield I would say Glasgow but of course Sheffield. Apart from Sheffield, Glasgow

What's next for you?

I'm writing more music, I'm going to put out another EP soon and living my life man, playing gigs, painting, walking around and thinking about stuff and yeah putting music out.

By - Katie Graham


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