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Interview with Idle Hands

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

We've just been digging about really. We've just did a single in the studio, just been recording stuff and gigging about getting our sound down. We haven't been gigging for too long we are just sort of getting into it now.

What is the latest single about?

I don't really know; I'm a lot like Kurt Cobain, and I don't really write about much. It's called "youth," so it's about being youthful and what you want to do.

Where did your bands name come from/how did the band form?

So we couldn't think of a name for ages, so I asked my dad how I should think of a name, and he said, "Think of your favourite lyrics from your favourite songs'. So I ended up looking at 'What difference does it make?" by The Smiths, and they say 'Idle Hands' in that song, and I like that lyric as well as the song. But one of us doesn't even like the name; he hates it. But we formed because I asked that kid over there if he knew anybody that played bass, and he said that he played bass himself and he didn't play bass. So I started it with me and three other lads, and now these three are all from Shields, so I've been infiltrated by Shields. I'm going to end up talking Shields lingo soon.

What are some of your main musical influences?

Quite a lot, Fontaines mainly. Sort of more angry stuff, like Idles and all of that alternative music. And a canny bit of The Smiths and The Stone Roses, stuff like that. He definitely loves Oasis.

If you could have any celebrity to star in your music video, who would it be?

That's a good question! Matty Healy's dad, Tim Healy,

We don't even know who that is. Who would be good?

This is a tough question.

I reckon Bez from Happy Mondays That's going to be my job after I leave the band; I'm going to become Bez.

If your music could be in any film, what would it be?

Inbetweeners film. Maybe Kevin and Perry.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

His strap fell off once.

Oh and his pants falling down was quite funny.

I mean this isn't very funny but for like half of the songs I don't even have lyrics so I kind of just mumble along in the background.

Yeah come and see us and see if he does it.

Yeah I'm a pro at it. Aye, we take things seriously over at Idle Hands.

What is your earliest memory of music?

Probably just going about in the car with my dad listening to The Stone Roses and Pink Floyd.

Same with my dad.

Probably same mate to be fair.

Well I didn't really get into music until like later on, 15ish but I listened to a lot of Daft Punk with my mam.

I saw Happy Mondays when I was 11 but I could probably think of something before that but that's all that comes to my head.

What's next for you?

Becoming world famous, world domination.

I think mainly, to just keep on gigging, make more of a name for ourselves and get ourselves out there. Soon everyone will know the name. Once this guy leaves, we are going to spend the while getting tighter again as a band and getting more tunes done.

By - Katie Graham

Photo - Rebecca Wharton


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