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Interview with Jam Tub

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

We started this band three month ago, so we've been going since the end of Janurary. We've just been doing gigs and playing, just trying to do as much as we can and build an audience for ourselves. We have been doing gigs around Stockton which is where we have been playing mostly. Just trying to do as many gigs as we can and get our names out there and impress people.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

So when my Dad was a kid, he used to have a band called Jam Tub and I heard about their name and thought that's really cool. We had loads of name ideas and nothing really stuck so I thought let's just steal my Dad's old name and it works, people like the name. I was in a band previously but I left because I wanted to do gigs, so I came to Michael and was like lets do some gigs and he was like why not.

What is your earliest memory of music?

Probably Phineas and Ferb album when I was like six. I absolutely loved that album, its the best album of all time.

Mine was probably me walking past my sisters bedroom and she was listening to twenty one pilots and that started a massive phase.

I just think of nursery rhymes personally, everyone hears nursery rhymes. Also probably kids TV shows.

What are some of your main musical influences?

I'm a big fan of Dave Grohl, that's my main influences to be fair.

For me probably, as a bassist, Sid Vicious I love him, I think he's mint. And all of the Sex Pistols are cool.

Biggest influence is Taylor Hawkins, I really like the Foo Fighters a lot. My second biggest would be Chad Smith from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

What would be your dream festival to play at?

Reading and Leeds absolutely, I think we all share that. Leeds is so much cooler.

If your music could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Trainspotting, that's the one. School of Rock as well.

If you could have any celebrity to star in your music video, who would it be?

Dave Grohl.

I would probably want Harry styles, I love Harry Styles.

Definitely go for Jack Black.

If you had the privilege of booking this years Glastonbury lineup, who would be headlining?

I'd probably pick Slaves.

Probably Foo Fighters, I love them.

What is next for you?

More gigs. At the end of the year we are hoping to go and record an EP with most of our music on it. And spend our time promoting that, doing festivals and more gigs.

By - Katie Graham


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