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Interview with Jordan Langley

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

At the beginning of last year, I’d only ever played in public a couple of times. However I still had the urge to persist with it and try to get back into playing live more regularly. I managed to do so, playing at loads of different open mic nights in the North East and being given my first few paid gigs in the process last summer. After a year of gaining a lot of experience while also sharing my own songs and ideas I have now just released my debut single ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

How would you describe your music to someone that has never heard it before?

I am mainly into rock and roll and indie/ alternative rock. I would say that I’m hoping to merge the best bits of bands such as The Police, The Killers, Feeder and The View that I take a lot of inspiration from as I look to create my own sound that I aim to be strong, heartfelt and impactful. 

What is your most recent single 'Only Time Will Tell' about?

It is essentially about having to come to terms with and accepting having to part ways with a loved one. A relationship coming to an end against your own will, wishing the other person well and all the while being left with so many questions, wondering how they are getting on and being left with a deafening silence between the two of you after months of seeing one another on a regular basis and sharing so much together. 

What was the writing process like?

With this song in particular, I was sat in my kitchen at home (best acoustics in the house) and I already had the first verse and chorus within half an hour of sitting playing the chords I’d chosen and playing about with some different melodies and hooks. Cutting some words out and adding/ changing some of the phrases I’d come up with in trying to express how I felt at the time. It was still very early on in having to accept it and having to say goodbye so I hope that comes across in the recording. I always aim for my songs to be really honest and thought provoking. 

What has been the biggest highlight of making music and being a Musician so far?

It has definitely been the people that I’ve met, whether it be the local singers, musicians or regulars in the venues I’ve played in, they’ve really made such a positive difference to my overall enjoyment of my first year playing and singing. I’ve met so many welcoming and encouraging people up here in the North East which has really helped me settle in to the local music scene. None more than Lyndon Philliskirk (producer) and Scott Charlton (drums) at Lime Tree Studios. They did a fantastic job of helping me to record my debut single and they are two of the most positive and generous people that I’ve met to date. They’re also great musicians too so I highly recommend you to go and check out what they’re working on. 

How did you first get into making music?

Well I first really picked up a guitar five years ago and began to learn the basics and taught myself from home. I often sang quite a lot while growing up just for the fun of it but I’ve only really started to take it more seriously over the last couple of years. In the last few months I’ve started to gain a lot more confidence in my own songwriting and I’m looking forward to seeing where I can take it. 

What's your earliest memory of music?

One of my earliest and fondest memories is singing along to some of my favourite songs as a kid while on a long car journey home. 

Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers. Walking On The Moon - The Police and Weather With You - Crowded House to name a few and I needed no encouragement to belt out the words as if my life depended on it haha!

What's next for you as a musician, what can your listeners expect from your upcoming music?

I am currently in the process of getting a band together and we have began meeting up to rehearse which is already sounding very promising. I’ve always wanted to get together with some friends and start playing in a band so now that it is finally starting to come together I am really looking forward to playing our first few gigs, sharing ideas and seeing how we all develop as a band over the next few months. We are looking to start gigging and supporting some of our favourite local bands in the spring/ summer this year and I’m also currently writing a lot. I’m singing and playing around with new ideas every day at the moment and so I’m aiming to record and release another two or three singles this year.

By - Katie Graham


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