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Interview with Keiran Bowe

Hi, thank you for joining us today, so tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

We've been in and out of gigs really, we've got a lot going on in the back, in the background recording loads of songs. We've released two in the past year which I think we want to do a bit more than just two, so yeah we've got a plan of attack for the end of the year, we are doing one or two gigs like tonight, got a little mini tour next week. So yeah, there hasn't been like a process, we're just taking gigs as they come really.

What's been the biggest highlight so far?

Having my song played at St James´ Park at half time was mad, never ever thought I'd be sitting in St James´ and hearing my own music. Other than that, it would be Mike Williamson coming down to one of me gigs, former Newcastle player, now Gateshead manager, bit of a milestone and then doing Jager's with him after, they're my two highlights definitely.

How did you first get into making music?

Weird one really, it's canny deep so I won't go too deep into it but I was at University, met some musicians, I had only just discovered that I had some sort of voice on me because I did karaoke and the family were like 'where did that come from?' One of the lads was a guitar player and give me a riff and he was like 'put lyrics to this' and I didn't really know where to start and then the week after one of my best mates committed suicide so I kind of then write about that time really and from there, I don't know, I started writing music and playing music. That's where it came from as deep as it is.

What's your earliest memory of music?

I've been asked this a few times and I always get reminded so I think some people are lying when they say they are 2/3 and they can remember, like if your memories that good then howay. Apparently I was 3 years old and you know them little bouncers you use to connect to the door when you're a bairn, I was bouncing up and down and ' I Love To Boogie' by T.Rex was playing, that's my earliest memory of music.

What are some of your main musical influences?

I've just mentioned T.Rex but Marc Bolan is a huge influence, Bowie, there's so many. I grew up on like The Verve, Richard Ashcroft and you know Oasis as cliche as it is and probably, well I don't want to say Kings Of Leon as a band, I would say Caleb as a lead singer. I'd say them are me influences.

If you could have any celebrity to star in a music video, who would it be?

That's a good question, Ricky Gervais.

What would be your dream festival to headline?

Probably Most Of The Tyne, I know that sounds daft but I think that would be cool headlining the festival of the North East. It would be quite big, aye.

Describe your sound in 3 words.

Indie as fuck.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

I wish I did, I don't think I do. I always have a drink of Guinness before going on stage and normally I´ll have a cup of tea, that's just for the vocals but other than that I don't actually have a ritual. I might make one now.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst touring/performing?

Actually last week at Coastella we were doing a quick line check and I was proper panicking because my pedal board was plugged in and I wasn't getting ant sound on me guitar and I turned around and the sound tech is like 'what's the matter?' I hadn't switched me amp on and I also didn't have me lead in me guitar. So no wonder I wasn't getting any sound, I've had a lot of moments like that but that's the one I can remember.

If your music could be in any film, which one would it be?

I don't want to think too deep about this. I know I'm going to regret what I say. Toy Story.

What album cover best describes you as a person?

Like anyone's album? I'm going to say, just because I can't think of anything, 'Definitely Maybe' because Noel looks like he's passed out on the floor and give me. a few shots and I'm gone. I do pints only and that's my rule, can't do shots.

What's next for you?

I've got this gig tonight and then after this one, we are doing three days with Reverend Makers next week and then end of the year we've got some singles recorded and there's a plan of attack which I can't say much about but yeah.

By - Katie Graham


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