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Interview with KIDPUNK

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

So the last 12 months or so has been mainly focused on getting more music written and touring, as for recording that has to wait until we’re satisfied with the demos etc to commit to putting the money into recording as it’s pretty expensive for a DIY band to try and consistently release all year round! That being said it’s worth every penny once we hear the final product, something we’re always proud to do is release new music. 

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

The band name doesn’t really have much of a backstory other than it sounded cool… as for when we formed myself (shaun) and our drummer Dan have known each other since very young and have always dabbled around the rehearsal rooms with intentions of starting a band. Joe and Brandon came at a later date. 

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

It’s hard to say one specific thing as a set highlight as we’ve had a pretty eventful few years as a band, from touring the uk to radio play and in the coming months release our debut ep. We’ve got a lot going on and we’re super greatful to anyone who’s been apart of our journey so far/ helped us out! 

So how did you first get into making music?

I started writing songs when I was about 14/15 and I’ve been nonstop ever since, at this point it’s a pure passion project for me and I don’t really care about what people think or what the outcome of our music will be. As much as I’m determined to make the best music possible, I refuse to do that at the cost of writing music that I know is generic and less than truly authentic to our self’s as a band. I suppose people will always find a way to call you that regardless of what you do but I genuinely do wanna make the best music for Myself and the lads in the band above anything else, and if people like it, sick. 

How would you describe your sound?

Our sound is still evolving and changing as we grow as people but it’s undeniable that we’ve got a huge 90s punk sorta vibe that can’t be shaken out of our sound. So where ever it goes that’ll stick I believe. 

What was the process like in recording your latest single 'Don Juan (im not satisfied)'?

Fun as always, it’s a pleasure to record with George collings at inheart studios we always have a blast! 

What is 'Don Juan (im not satisfied)' about? 

I’ll leave that to the reader to decide but to briefly put it; Don Juan can be interpreted in many different ways as well as being quite plain and to-the-point lyrics it also has a few underlying messages. Always read between the lines. 

If 'Don Juan (im not satisfied)' could be in any film, which one would it be?

American pie of course

If any celebrity could feature in a music video for 'Don Juan (im not satisfied)', who would you choose?

I’m not entirely sure, probably Billie Joe I guess. 

What's next for you?

Our next single “the one” is available next month (june) 

By - Katie Graham


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