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Interview with Kieron Smith

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The last year has been a bit crazy really. I started performing again after about 20 years in January 2023 and it quickly escalated from going to the local open mic nights into gigs and releasing singles. I've tried to focus on improving my performances while continuing to write and record which has been pretty intense but I'm definintely able to see progess. I've been blessed to play some really great places like The Cluny, The Globe and Coast Fest so above anything else its been exciting. its been busy as well - I've released two EP's and a recent single so its been pretty full on. 

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

There have been a few. Playing The Cluny was a big deal to me. So many of my musical influences have played there, I've been to countless gigs there - to be playing there as a real "pinch myself" moment. Otherwise seeing my music progress through my original ideas to the finished songs and then played by people in different places around the world is always a wonderful feeling. 

So how did you first get into making music?

Music has always been very important to me. I've been pretty obsessed for as long as I can remember. In sixth form and then University I joined bands and started making music with various groups of friends. Fast forward to lockdown and I dug out a few of my old notebooks and picked a guitar up for the first time in about 20 years. The songs came together quite naturally and the response was pretty positive when I started playing them locally so I kind of just ran with it and ended up in the studio. 

How would you describe your sound?

I probably fit somewhere in between indie and folk. You can certainly hear this in the singles I've released so far but also the progress towards a more developed sound. The next single "Desole" is a real departure and sounds like nothing else I've done before, its quite cinematic in places. There's always going to be a folky vibe though because its the music I probably relate to the most. I grew up surrounded by Irish trad music, artists like CSN and Neil Young, Cat Stevens............... my parents we're big into the folk scene so I've carried that with me. Not that I'm comparing myself! Everything I write starts out as a folk song, where they end up depends on what happens in the studio.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

I don't have any superstitions or rituals really - I try not think about it too much and just get stuck in.  I try to do the usual things like hydrate, maybe a bit of lemon and ginger tea with honey if my throat is feeling ropey but there's only one rule for me - no booze before a gig! I think the nerves and adrenaline are enough without adding to it with a pint. Each to their own of course but its one of my sticking points, I just don't work as well either playing or singing if I've had a drink! 

What was the process like in recording your most recent single 'Sac de reves'?

I originally recorded the  vocals and acoustic guitar parts in Leeds in March '23 with Leigh Harrison, a former band mate and producer friend. It kind of just sat for a year forgotten really. I've worked with Martin at Harbourmaster Productions previously so thought id get in touch to see if he could build on what was already there. He did a really great job and its resulted in what I think is my most accomplished single so far. Its got that indie/folk vibe I mentioned earlier and is just a really nice, happy 4 minutes of music. 

What is 'Sac de reves' about? 

Its about friendships. Specifically its about a friendship group I've had since school and the various stages of life we've all been through together. The title itself refers to an art exhibition me and one of those friends went to at the Laing not long after Uni when we were trying to seem grown up! It translates as "bag of dreams" which fits the context of the song pretty well as its more about the hopes we have rather than the fears. 

If 'Sac de reves' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

I think it would certainly be some kind of coming of age tale, something nostalgic. Maybe This is England. The song has got that indie sound and although its a very heavy film i think "sac" could fit nicely at one of the more hopeful points! Maybe at the end when there's one eye on the slightest hint of a brighter future. 

If you could pick any celebrity to be a feature in a music video for 'Sac de reves' who would it be and why?

I think because the song is based on a friendship group it would need to be a recognisable group of friends. Not the obvious one! Id probably say the cast of Skins 1. They could do a job I reckon in a "where are they now" kind of plot. only series 1 though, it all got a bit silly after that, didn't it?

So what is next for you?

I'm just finishing up with the next single "Desole" which I'm really excitied about. The release date is June 21st to coinside with my performance at Coast Fest or the  gig I'm doing at The Tyne Bar supporting The Hightowns. I'll be releasing more music soon with the band I'm in The Late Party and hope to get some more solo work recorded over the summer. Hopefully I'll just continue being busy either writing, recording or playing gigs. There is always lots to look forward too when it comes to music. 

By - Katie Graham


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