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Interview with Lauran Hibberd-Leeds Festival

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Well I released my first album 'Garageband Superstar' literally 12 months ago pretty much to the day and since then I've been touring loads, supporting All Time Low which has been really fun. I'm writing a new record, playing Reading and Leeds, playing TRNSMT, yeah it's been great.

So last year you supported Sea Girls on tour, what was your favourite city to perform in?

London was my favourite because I've always wanted to play Alexander Palace so that was a real bucket list for me, I loved that show.

Do you have any pre gig rituals?

I do some weird stretching, I stretch as though I'm going to do some Olympic gymnastic routine and just walk around so I don't really know why I do that. It makes me feel better about it so yeah.

How would you describe your music to people who haven't heard it?

I would say it's rock music but also a little bit pop punk infused, for the fans of the new Olivia Rodrigo song.

If you could join anyone on stage on this years Leeds lineup, who would it be?

I'd have to go out with Sam Fender, I'd just love to go out with him in general actually. Seventeen Going Under, I'd want the big one.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

So I have fallen over, a lot. I did have my first nip slip yesterday at Reading, so yeah probably that actually. Just blissfully unaware, I mean I had a mesh top on and I had a top over the top but the top over the top was slipping. So yeah probably the nip slip or just general falling over.

So you've obviously released 'Honda Civic', what was the process like in recording it?

So I actually wrote that song out in LA and the guy that I wrote it with, well we both love the track so much he was like 'please let me produce it' so that actually happened remotely. So I was in the UK, he was in LA so we were sending it back and forth really. It was kind of a really cool way to build a track, it took a lot longer than it normally would though.

What's next for you?

So I've just finished recording my second album so I guess that's going to start coming out into the world some point soon, I'm off to America next week supporting All Time Low again and then Australia. So yeah I've got lots going on, I'm excited.

By - Katie Graham


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