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Interview with Only The Poets-Leeds Festival

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Oh we've had a bust 12 months, we've done a European headline tour, we've just a couple actually. We've done some UK shows a run of festivals and we've been releasing music at a very quick pace which we are really proud about. We've landed on music that we've kind alway really wanted to release as a band, we've had a very enjoyable 12 months. We have signed a record deal aswell.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

So obviously 'poets' translates to art wether that's music or film and obviously in our case it's music. We really delve into lyrics and 'only the poets' as well felt quite community like and we have this really amazing family feel to the fanbase and it's kind of nice that it's went full circle and ended up being quite fitting. We think it's a quite unique name and OTP for short.

How would you describe 'Over & Over' to someone that hasn't heard it?

Energetic, upbeat. Its a bit more pop than the last few I think.

If you could support any artist on tour, who would it be?

We were at Reading the day before we played on Friday and we watched Loyal Carner and I was blown away with how good he is, i would love to tour with him. I don't know if e would be the best fit but as an artist he's incredible.

I'm just obssesed with Nothing But Thieves at the minute so that would be an unreal privelege to share a stage with them, I would love to do that.

A bucket list for me would to be to support the Arctic Monkeys one day, imagine that. I think we'd all be lown away, its never going to happen but that would be mint.

They would hate us.

Do you have any pre gig rituals and if so, what are they?

We do a very basic, we use to just do a hug at the start o the band but now it's a firm high five.

What was the recording process like in 'Over & Over'?

I feel like a lot of the songs had different proceses, that one was a song that was written last year. We worked on it a bit last year, and then we kind of decided last minute that we want to recor it so we got in the studio and got it together quite quickly and we're really happy with it.

What's next for you as a band?

So we've got a few more festivals and a small UK run in October. We are doing all of our favourite independant music venues which is going to be really exciting. Then we're heaing out on a big European tour next year and I think we're just going to keep releasing new tunes obviously nd just keep building and growing.

By - Katie Graham


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