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Interview with Paige Herrett

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

As I am quite fresh into to the local industry the past 12 months have consisted of being in the studio recording my new EP 'Nova' along with learning as much as I can about the industry through going to local gigs and events to build my name. 

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

The biggest highlight of making my own music was definitely waking up the day of my first single release 'Hit the Road Jack' and reading through the response on social media. It was kind of a "i did it" moment and I felt like it was a great first step into the industry and looking back on it definitely gave me even more of a drive to work harder to create this feeling more. 

So how did you first get into making music?

I first got into making music through my friends that are already are in the industry by listening to their music they have created and watching the process happen. This was really inspiring to me but for some reason I always backed away from it because I had a lot of doubt in myself, but after 2023 I decided I needed to do something about this inspiration and gave it a go which has gladly payed off. 

How would you describe your sound?

For the making of "Nova" I aimed to create a live sounding EP as I love listening to/ watching BBC Live Lounge covers and Tiny Desk Concerts. For my personal sound I absolutely love when I get the chance to play anything blues, soul or disco as these genres are mainly what I listen to.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

The night before gigs I lay out my outfit and makeup on my desk to try and keep myself organized and focused. I aim to drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep myself hydrated and right before I go on I always take some time to myself to focus on my breathing and relax before I go on stage

What was the process like in recording your upcoming EP 'Nova'?

I have had the chance to work alongside the best production team Sam, Simon, Jacob, Isaac and Brandon. They have worked so hard with making sure the sound of my EP is achieving exactly what I want and mixing my tracks to get them out on time. I think the connection I have built between me and my team is something I am so grateful for. 

If any song from 'Nova' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

If any song from 'Nova' could be in a film I would definitely choose the closing track 'Hit the Road Jack' to be featured in 'Don't Worry Darling' as it is one of my favorite movies as being a big fan of Harry Styles I jumped at buying tickets to go watch it but from a non biased place I absolutely loved the movie and would definitely recommend it to anyone. 

If you could have any celebrity to feature in a future music video for one of your songs, who would it be and why?

If I could have any celebrity to feature on one of the tracks of my EP it would definitely have to be Kevin Parker widely known as Tame Impala as I love listening to his music and the psychedelic sounds that Kevin creates in all of his tracks. I think adding these sounds to my tracks would definitely be something different but I think it could sound amazing. 

So what is next for you?

Right now I couldn't have a straight answer for what is next for me because I don't know myself. I hope to continue with my music and who knows.. they may be another EP.

By - Katie Graham


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