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Interview with PENTIRE-A Stone's Throw Festival

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The past 12 months, we've been very busy. We've done a sold out headline tour which was nice. We've put out one song, we've been quite quiet on that front actually, we've been hiding away writing and we've got a lot of stuff to come in the future. Mainly touring really.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

The name PENTIRE is a head land in Cornwall, Newquay specifically. I use to go a lot when I was younger. When we were thinking of a band name I was down there and there was a PENTIRE sign and i thought that's pretty good that and it stuck.

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

I'd say the biggest highlight is probably being able to play it as much as possible to everyone else, like touring across the UK and going to as many venues, no matter what size it's always fun. I'd say the smaller the better 100%, after writing a song and being able to tour it or tour an EP, that's 100% the highlight for me. And having people sing it back as well is just unreal.

What was the recording process like for your most recent single 'Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)'?

It's always quite organic, we write the song and then we take it to our producer who gives us a lot of other ideas as well. It all comes out quite easily but we do get faced with some difficult bits but we get around that. We smash our brains together and see what happens.

If you could have any celebirty to feature in a music video for 'Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)' who would it be?

That's a good question. I think someone who is a bit funny like Jim Carrey.

You said funny and then you said Jim Carrey, that doesn't really you know.

OH what about James Acaster.

That would be a good cameo and he can drum.

Yeah maybe James Acaster, is that stupid?

If 'Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)' be in any film, which one would it be in?

Can it be an old movie? Something like Grease or Dirty Dancing would be cool.

No because it would be too slow.

It's got to be like an emotional part of the song.

Bee movie or something.

Oh what was that ABBA film? Mama Mia. I reckon it could hop on that train.

What's the funniest thing that has happeend whilst touring or performing?

Oh my god, lots of things have happened.

I was going to do the urinal story.

I can't remember what show it was after, we were coming back from London, driving back to Bristol and we stopped at services. Me and Jake were having a wee and there was little dividers there in the urinals and Jacob ran in.

Yeah I ran in and i think I pushed you and snapped the whole wall and it fell off into Jake while he was pissing and he really hurt himself.

We had to leave quite quickly after that, we actually wanted to get some food but it was so late at night and it was really obvious that we were the only ones in there. So there was a loud band and we all left.

You had to be there to be honest, it was funnier there.

There's been so many things and a lot of it we probably can't say. That probably does top it at the minute.

Another thing is we stay at a Travelodge every night on tour so we will change our names to something stupid, we never do our real names.

TO something unusal but they never ask, you always expect them to go 'hm can we see some ID' but they're never worried about it.

I was Owen Swazzmoyde once and it was after Newcastle and we were all in a bad mood and the van had broken down.

It's just a bit of fun and games.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals, and if so, what are they?

I think it's quite nice today becuase we're here early, so we're going to go and check out some of the other bands, have a drink and chill out. I like doing festivals, they're a lot of fun. We always have a little hug before we play. It's nice playing when there's a lot happening afterwards so that'll be good later on tonight.

What's next for you as a band?

A lot of cool stuff actually, the other day we've pretty much finished our upcoming body of work. It's all about getting that in the pipeline and a lot of exciting stuff happening for us over the next few weeks. Mainly releases and hopefully another tour. We do have a tour booked but I won't say when but we do. We've got a lot of things ready to go but it's all about waiting until we can pull the trigger on that but yeah it's all very exciting.

By - Katie Graham


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