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Interview with Pit Pony

So tell me a little bit about yourself, what have you guys been up to the past 12 months?

Mainly planning everything around this album. We actually played very few shows in the past year while we had other stuff going on and the album itself was all recorded in 2023. There's no smoke and mirrors, we all have full time jobs so its taken a while. 

What influenced the sound of your album 'Dead Stars'? 

We’ve got a varied mix of influences across members which does definitely feed into our sound. Some lean towards the heavy metal, doom, psychedelia, side of things while others listen a lot more to singer songwriters or lyrically driven artists. We’d like to think we get somewhere near melding those influences together into our sound. In terms of other artists and records I'd probably say recent records of influence were Blue Weekend and Skinty Fia alongside the likes of Can and the soundtracks of Ennio Moriconne. 

Would you say your sound has evolved over the years and if so, how?

We'd like to think so. There's definitely a more diverse sound now rather than the more straight up garagey rock we started with at the very beginning. I think it's just happened naturally. We're more comfortable with each other, we've played together for longer and all of us admire artists who progress record to record. We wouldn't want to just keep doing the same stuff over and over, where is the fun in that. 


Is there a particular song on your setlist that you enjoy performing the most?

We haven't played a lot of the new material live that much, although Well Well has been in the set a while and is always a favourite. It's got a good tempo to get everyone up for it.  

If you could collaborate with any band or artist, dead or alive, to have them feature on one of your songs, who would you choose and why?

We would all give drastically different answers here and that's probably one of our strengths as a band. For Jackie and Potter I'll say American musical actor 'Howard Keel' because they're always singing songs from his musicals and banging on about him. 

If 'Dead Stars' as a whole could soundtrack any film or TV series which one would it fit the best?

Ru Paul's Drag Race UK 

What's the funniest thing that has happened while performing (is there any funny moments in particular during band life that stick out the most)?

 I think anything we put here probably won't sound that funny once written down! Normally someone just does or says something stupid and the rest of us (supportively) laugh at them. No one is ever allowed to get ahead of themselves or an inflated ego that's for sure. 

If Pit Pony had a biopic, who would play each of you and why?

Just replace us with the Teletubbies and Noo-Noo their hoover.  

Do you have any plans for more upcoming music/ what can your listeners expect?

We've started writing material for album three, but for the time being we're just concentrating on the live shows we have this year once the album is out.

Words - Katie Graham

Photo- Nigel John


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