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Interview with Scrannabis

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Well, my name is jack speight, I go by the name scrannabis and I’m from Yorkshire. I’ve been making music since I was 13 and I guess I’ve just gradually discovered the genre I’m creating now which is like chill indie pop rap! Oh and a bit of singing too! Over the past 12 months I’ve just been creating and performing! Mainly my focus has been creating leaves!

What has been the biggest highlight of your project so far?

So far the highlights have been being able to work with @metrolandcomedy on the video for Wake Up 55 and also the response of the second single Ghost. Trying new sounds had been quite daunting however its been so rewarding.

So how did you first get into making music?

I used to actually just spend a lot of time in my room as a kid and I always had the radio on in the background, then as I got older I started to pinch my mums CD’s and just kind of fell in love with it from there.

How would you describe your sound?

I honestly never know what to say when I get asked this you know. I wouldn’t really put it in any one kind of box I guess, but roughly its just chill indie rap and vocals I guess.

What was the process like in recording your upcoming EP 'LEAVES'?

Leaves was actually a very weird recording process. Its the first time I’ve properly explored my vocal rang on record and because it was such a new thing, I didn’t really have any one way to do it. My main focus was the harmonic elements, because I was recording mixing and mastering the whole thing in my room it gave me time to really work through it.

What is 'LEAVES' about?

Leaves is essentially about the fact that I hate conflict and that is the route of most of my problems. I’m not one to really explain myself either so if I have nothing to say or add to situation no matter what it is Ill just leave..

What can your listeners expect from your upcoming music?

A whole new more indie and mellow sound, I’m singing on the record which is new and theres actually only one jazz type track this time. I think the biggest difference in this record from the last is probably the the production quality, hopefully!

Do you have any pre-gig rituals and if so, what are they?

My only pre-gig ritual I guess is getting to the venue and making sure I say hi to people and be present and confident. I have to kick myself out my own shell sometimes and meeting promoters and industry people forces me to do so! Oh, and grabbing a beer!

If 'Ghost' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Thats actually a really good question! Harold and Kumar comes to mine for some reason, when there driving down a long road. Ill probably think a better answer later and regret this answer.

What's next for you?

Im actually throwing an EP launch at the grove on the 6th of July! And I’m made sure the tickets are FREE! you should come!

By - Katie Graham


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