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Interview with Scrannabis

So since our last interview, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

The last 12 months have been a whirl wind! mainly as always I’ve just been spending time evolving my craft! Saying that though I’m just as indecisive as ever when it comes to the sound I actually want to put out! There has been plenty of big big gigs! And just as many small ones if not more! Its all apart of the journey I guess. i ended up supporting the likes of Bricknasty and Isaiah Dread on their uk tour stops her at the toon which was class! I really think I made a friend out of Isaiah which is class as he’s someone I’ve looked up to for years! 

So of course you released your EP 'Leaves' almost a year ago now, how was the response to it?

Ah yes! Thats crazy to think it was also a year ago that that was released! The build up to that was honestly such an amazing experience. It really is a collection of some of my favourite songs of mine! If I could do it all again I really would! The response was incredible, and also getting to collaborate with great friends like Metroland is a bonus. Both the music videos I’ve made from that project are also some of my proudest visual achievements. 

How did it feel being able to put a load of your music out to the world and being able to perform it and celebrate with everyone?

Ive always thought the idea of releasing music to be a pretty weird one if I’m honest. Kinda of a weird stance to have given that Ive done it for so long but I think its because of how personal my music is to me and my situation. Whenever I release its always so nerve racking just because of the fact that a lot of the things I’m talking about are very personal and its usually stuff I’m dealing with in my day to day life. Never the less I love it though. Being able to connect in a way that words on their own just couldn’t Is a blessing and I’m so lucky I get to to do this and have people resonate with it. 

So you've just recently released your single 'The Tides', do you want to tell us what it's all about?

The Tide! Well, I guess its kind of you’ve average take on the struggles of being a musician these days, maybe even a creative as a whole. Its basically me talking about trying to figure out where I sit in the musical landscape and I guess in relation to the people around me. Just like everyone, I want to feel like I belong and sometimes thats hard with what I do. Specially the way that I go about it because I don’t really feel like you can fit me into any kind of box when it comes to my genre. Not that I would want that anyway. 

Was the writing and recording process different to some of your earlier singles?

Absolutely! My recording process genuinely changes with every track. Sometimes the beat comes first. Sometimes I have have a topic I want to talk about and then need to find something that fits the mould. Sometimes I kind of just sit down and see what comes. I think with the tides in particular, because of the harmonics and what I like to think is an attempt at singing, I defiantly had to take my time a little more and really brush up on my music theory compared to past releases. But all in all a great experience. 

How would you describe the sound of your music to someone who has never heard it before?

Erm… this is always a really hard question for me to answer. In my early days I used to be able to say I was just straight up 90’s boom bap but now that I’m exploring more indie tones and vocals I don’t really think I fit that mould at all. I guess I would just say I’m a mix of loyle Carner, Mac Miller and a bit of Dominic Fike at a push.

If 'The Tides' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Oh what a great question! I guess because on a surface level it could be taken as kind of like a love song I’m guessing a rom-com or something like that, maybe the silver linings playbook? But I guess Ill leave that question up to the listeners! 

If you could pick any celebrity to be the main feature in a music video for 'The Tides', who would you pick?

Oh woah I haven’t even actually thought of this. Erm I would say possibly Eddie Redmayne? The guy who played Stephen hawking in the theory of everything. I think with his range I think he could play a very good angsty role and really portray the insecurity of the song! Love this question by the way! 

What's next for you, what have you got planned for the rest of the year?

whats next? Okay so quite a lot over the summer! I’m playing A Stones throw festival on the 25th of May! Sunderland food festival on the 9th of June and then I’ve actually got the biggest gig of my life - I’m supporting professor green at Coast fest on the 21st of june! So yeah quite a lot. And I’m working on a bunch of new tunes too so hopefully I don’t go quiet for too long after the tides this time! 

By - Katie Graham


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