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Interview with STONE

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Fin: The last twelve months we've been building our audience. Rocking round the clock, finding ourselves. Two stepping, three stepping, four stepping, cha cha sliding.

Where did your band's name come from and how did you form?

Fin: Stone is my Mum's last name, my Mum was Belinda Stone and I just felt like the name was great, it fits the band so I thought I'd go with that.

Sarah: It does sound great, I love that it's just one word. You know when you hear people say 'STONE' it hits hard and I love it. And well I met the band a lot later than these, these have been together and playing together for 7/8 years. I've been playing with these guys for the past 3 years when I moved up to Liverpool for Uni.

What has been the biggest highlight of being a band so far?

Fin: The community, playing live with my friends.

Sarah: Yeah, that's my favourite thing when we are on stage and we look round to each other and everyone is just grinning, it's so good.

Fin: There's nothing like it.

What was the process like in recording your latest single 'Left Right Forward'?

Fin: It's kind of funny because I kind of made a lot of it up on the spot. I was in the studio saying random stuff down the mic but I wrote most of it when I was walking down the street, literally.

What is your earliest memory of music?

Fin: Me listening to 'Crashed The Wedding' by Busted.

Sarah: Mine was probably just being in the car with my Dad, who would always say 'one song' on the way home. So I would always pick the longest Metallica song for some reason so that I could get to listen to the full tune.

Describe your sound in three words.

Fin: Post-apocalyptic, scally, rock.

Sarah: Four words, you just said four.

Do you have any pre gig rituals?

Fin: Can't tell you that, wouldn't be pre.

Sarah: It's top secret information. If we told you that, we would have to kill you, we would have to smash the phone.

Fin: We can't tell these things.

What is the funniest thing that has happened whilst touring or performing?

Fin: There's so much but going ice skating with Elliot was pretty funny. He's such a wimp.

Sarah: His legs, his knees were like shaking.

Fin: I've never seen anyone so scared of ice skating.

Sarah: And he couldn't lift one foot off the ground.

Fin: But yeah, Elliot ice skating was hilarious. Or we just go to karaoke bars, we love karaoke.

Sarah: Yeah, that's our favourite thing, we rinse that actually. We always rinse the same songs every time.

Fin: 'Don't Stop Believing'.

Sarah: 'American Boy'.

Fin: Elliot does 'Simple Minds'

Sarah: Alex does 'Without Me' by Eminem.

Fin: That's because he looks like him.

If 'Left Right Forward' could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Fin: Star Wars.

Sarah: Dirty Dancing.

What is next for you?

Fin: Can't tell you. No it's just probably festivals but a lot of it we probably aren't allowed to say.

Sarah: A load of sneaky stuff.

Fin: We've got loads of good stuff coming up, that is what the excitement is all about.

By - Katie Graham

Photo- Issac Lamb


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