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Interview with The Clause

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

We’re The Clause from Birmingham, 4 pals who’ve grown up together since our school days. The past 12 months have been our busiest & best yet, coming off the back of a mad festival season last year into two tours with The Sherlock’s and The Lottery Winners. We started this year with a massive Independent Venue Week Tour, followed by joining The K’s on their debut album tour across the country. Safe to say we’re primed and ready to go and smash our biggest headline tour yet in November/December this year.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

We have thought about conjuring up an interesting story explaining how we got our name. In truth we were four mates fresh out of college who decided to start putting our own gigs on in Digbeth, Birmingham for all of our pals. We needed a name to sell the gig and landed on The Clause. We never thought it would go anywhere so we never gave it much thought but I’m proud of where the name came from because I think it symbolises our beginning and what we stand for.

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

The highlight of making music is and will always be getting to play it in front of fans. I don’t think anything can beat the feeling of seeing so called strangers coming together at a gig and singing the words of songs I wrote in my bedroom back at me. Seeing people go mad for your music is indescribable.

So how did you first get into making music?

Since I was a kid I’ve always wanted to make music and follow in the footsteps of my musical heroes. I never really started writing properly until after we started The Clause. At the beginning it was a bit of fun and we were just playing covers for the amusement of ourselves and our mates. The gigs got bigger and bigger pretty quick and we couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed we were still playing covers. So we were more or less forced into writing our own music out of shame hahaha. The songs started to stick and from then on it’s become my main vocation.

What was the process like in recording your latest single 'Take Me Home'?

. Take Me Home is a funny one. I wrote the instrumental for the song about 4 years ago but I’d completely forgotten about it. At the end of last year I was going through old demos when I came across it and my eyes lit up. We took it straight into the practice room and the song clicked straight away.

What is 'Take Me Home' about?

Take Me Home is about those teenage nights out looking for love on a sticky dance floor.

If 'Take Me Home' could be in any film, which one would it be?

I’m not sure if this song would fit in the film but I’ve always loved the soundtrack to Tarantino films, Pulp Fiction & Reservoir Dogs especially. If Quentin happens to read Geet Canny Music blogs, get us in one of your films mate, it’d be the highlight of my existence.

If any celebrity could feature in a music video for 'Take Me Home', who would you choose?

Spud from Trainspotting. People always say he’s (our bassist) Jonny’s doppelgänger.

What can your listeners expect from your upcoming music? 

Honestly the next songs we’re about to release are our best yet. We’ve been waiting a long time to share them with yas and we can’t wait to get them out, they’re game changers.

 What's next for you as a band?

Our second EP will be out towards the end of summer this year and then its album time. We’re having some downtime through summer to finish writing our debut album and it’ll be recorded at the end of this year. We’re all so buzzing for the next chapter and to go smash our tour at the end of this year, we’ll see yas all there x

Questions answered by Pearce Macca - Lead singer

Words - Katie Graham

Photo- Darkus Magazine


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