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Interview with The Hara

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

We've writing an album, releasing an album, pretty much it. We went to America for the first time which was sick. But yeah we've just been in the studio writing 'Survival Mode', recording 'Survival Mode'.

Josh is on voice rest so no noise from him today.

What was the process like in recording your latest album 'Survival Mode'?

The process for this album was kind of like a mix-and-match, you know, so some of the songs we started writing a couple of years ago. Then we got locked in the studio with big man Jason Perry and started crafting some more of the album. Then we did some more in Spain with our boy Brad, so it just kind of collected like that. We were here, there, and everywhere, and we got a fucking great album out of it.

How would you describe your sound on 'Survival Mode'?

There are bits of metal, bits of rock, and bits of pop. I would probably just say it is rock, but there are bits of everything. There are parts that will make you, you know, emotional, and there are parts that will inspire you.

What has been the biggest highlight of being a band?

For me, the biggest highlight would have to be the first time we played Download Festival; that was huge. We've done loads of festivals; we've done Download, Reading, and Leeds. The entire first-ever festival run was insane. We did some massive stages, and the snowball effect from the Download that we saw was just crazy. Just people being like, 'Oh, my friend saw you at Download and was like, You've got to go and see The Hara', and they did, and every tent was fucking packed, so definitely the festival run.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

Odd story actually, so the way we formed was a bit weird and odd. So it was actually quite late at night, and in the centre of town, have you seen the people that push the trolleys and they have teddies on them and Rubik's cubes and all that shite? Well, that was Josh. Josh has one of these trollies, and he was only young at the time. I remember walking past him and seeing him load up on umbrellas, and if you've seen them carry clear umbrellas before,

Well, he had them, but instead of it being clear, there wasn't anything there; it was just the rim, so you would get wet. So I was like, Oh, they're interesting, man. What is going on with these umbrellas? All of a sudden, out of an alley, someone popped Zack with a couple of buckets. What were the buckets for Zack?

I had just been cleaning some windows; nobody asked me to clean windows; I just enjoy it.

But he had this van, and in this van, it was so weird, he had the centre of these umbrellas. So Zack came over and was like, I've got the centre of your umbrellas, and I was like, Shit, we must form a band. So it was more or less that story, mostly less.

Do you have any pre gig rituals?

So we all out our hands in the middle, we all have a motivational speech which is usually led by josh but he has no voice so one of us two will make that today. The we say 'Gods in the game'.

What is the funniest thing that has happened while touring/performing?

I got really really really messed up on mushrooms when we were touring in Amsterdam. It was fucking awesome, I saw the face of God and he told me to keep going

What can your listeners expect from your upcoming music?

Something for everyone, rage, whatever you want. Give it a listen, Survival Mode.

If your music could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Maybe some fricking sick Marvel film or something, that would be class you know. The new Venom and Spiderman, it wouldn't really relate but it would be cool.

If you could have any celebrity to star in your music video, who would it be?

Maybe like Samuel Jackson or some crazy crazy shit, that would be awesome.

What is next for you?

Playing this show. Well touring the album and then we go out and do our European tour so all around Europe next. And then who knows what we do, not even we know.

By - Katie Graham


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