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Interview with The Peevie Wonders-Coast Fest

Hi, thank you for joining us today, so tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

So we're Peevie Wonders, we started about a year and 3 months ago or something like that. We've been doing gigs all over the North East, we've released about five songs and like doing fun things.

Do you not want to tell them the amazing things we've been up to?

Nah it's amazing enough. Just fun things.

I'll flex, our new song is being aired on BBC 1 tonight.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

So the bands name came from an old work mate of mine who asked me what I'm doing at the weekend and I said I'm getting peevie and he said 'Who do you think you are like, peeve wonder?' I wrote it down in my notes and about a year later used the name for a band, got Ben involved, got Ollie involved and Alex has just joined recently and I absolutely hate him already.

If you could have any celebrity to star in and music video, who would it be?

Dua Lipa. Shearer. Shearer´s top half with Dua Lipa´s feet and King Kong's thighs.

Describe your sound in three words

We. Are. Class.

Do you have any pre-gig ritual and if so, what are they?

I like to wake up, take me socks out the freezer, drink a litre of blue WKD and then I try to do a cartwheel but I can never get it right yet but I do try. Then Ben knocks on my house but he always comes at the wrong time, I'm always ironing me sandals.

If your music could be in any film, which one would it be?

Cars. Cars 4 it's not out yet so Cars 4 is a logical answer. When Cars 4 comes out, I want The Peeve Wonders to do the soundtrack for the whole thing.

So you're on the phone to the doctors and they put you on hold, what song could you listen to on repeat?


500 Miles by The Proclaimers, mate it's amazing.

You're the DJ at the coolest club night in the country, what song do you open your set with and close with?

Dizzie Rascal 'Dance Wiv Me' and Example's whole first album. Basically we will just put Example's album into Calvin Harris after Dizzie Rascal first. We need to squeeze in 'The Logical Song' by Scooter, twice in a row.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst performing?

There was that time where his trousers fell down and then fell over. AH that was bad, that was bad. Or the time where Ollie dropped the drumstick and it landed in Ben's eye socket. That was a bad one, that was our first gig as well. That actually happened.

What's next for you?

We will go home after the festival finishes. Work tomorrow, back to the grind. We might have practice on Tuesday, that's about it really.

We're playing Last Train Home Festival.

You don't want to say that, that's boring.

What if someone wants to come watch.

Ok, we're playing Last Train Home Festival.

By - Katie Graham


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