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Interview with The Youth Play

Tell me a bit about yourself, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Harrison: We have been working our socks off! We released our first single which got us to play places such as Supersonic in Paris and Boomtown. We released the rest of the EP at the end of 2023 and since then, we’ve been gigging lots, supporting our favourite bands, writing, recording and planning our next release.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

Diego: I initially started the project in Barcelona, before moving to London to pursue music where I met Harrison, Alex and Finley, finally evolving to a proper band. The name was one amongst many that I first drafted as possible band names. It resonated and I thought it read nicely.

What has been the biggest highlight of making music so far?

H: To be honest, it’s a tough question as I have many to choose from. Supporting Wings of Desire and playing at my favourite festival (Boomtown) must be up there as my proudest moments so far.

So how did you first get into making music?

D: I remember music being a constant attention point in my house growing up. I started playing guitar and piano at school on any free time I had, until I finally had my own guitar. Since then, I’ve been writing songs, it’s something that gives me a lot of enjoyment.

How would you describe your sound?

H: A blend of intense reverbs, nostalgic melodies, driving drums and bass and distorted guitars. It took a while to know which direction we wanted to go towards, however overtime we are coming to understand every angle of who we are as a band. We embrace hooky melodies and dreamy sounds as well as upbeat and energetic ones.

What was the process like in recording your most recent Single If We Just Ever Were?

D: It was fun! We went to the studio without any pressure, knowing what we wanted to get out of the track. The process was quite pleasant and easy for the four of us, we’ve been playing this song for so long that we had a very clear idea of the energy that we wanted it to carry.

Overall, what is If We Just Ever Were about?

H: the first ideas were thrown around in a moment where we felt we needed to write a fun, not so deep song that embraced the feeling of simplicity, with lyrics delving into the lack of excitement from every day’s situations, the song aims to amplify the euphoria and catharsis from these moments, letting themselves free from socially built constructions, just focusing on enjoying the moment, as simple as it might be.

If any song from the previous EP Wildflowers could be in a film, which song and film would you choose?

D: When We Talk About Love could be the end of a cool love film like Lost in Translation. That being said “Just Like Honey” does the job perfectly well.

If you could choose any celebrity to feature in a music video for If We Just Ever Were, which celebrity would you go for?

H: Michael Cera. Easy answer.

What's the funniest thing that has happened whilst touring or performing?

D: To be honest, we haven’t had any funny things happen to us stage. The first time in Paris, I head butted the microphone during a slow song, hoping nobody had noticed. The video is on YouTube.

So we are aware that you have an upcoming gig with Loosechange at The Cluny in Newcastle in July, what else are you up to, what's next for you as a band?

Our goal is to get out of London as much as possible. We love the venues we play here, but we are desperate to show the rest of the UK our music and be able to connect with them, we are really excited to start doing that in July in Newcastle. The being said, we have a very special headline gig at The Victoria in London, to celebrate the release of our single.

By - Katie Graham


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