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Interview with TOMMY

Hello, and thank you for joining us today Tommy. Firstly, tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Tommy, I’m a musician from Leicester, I’m an artist putting out tunes into the world, trying to spread a bit of love.

What have you been up to the last 12 months?

I’ve been in the studio quite a bit, working on an albums worth of tunes that I’ve been recording with a producer called Gavin Monaghan and one of the guys from The Twang, who’s their drummer. Yeah, we’ve been playing a bunch of shows around the UK, we’ve recently went to Paris and played, and I’ve put out two singles ‘Alive’ and ‘Uninvited Attention’. Just gearing up to put out my third single.

What is your latest single ‘Uninvited Attention’ about and can you tell us a bit about your writing process?

Uninvited Attention, so it’s about social media and the effects, well the after effects, of posting online. There’s an lot of online bullying nowadays and stuff, people have got big mouths and can’t really back it up in person, so they feel the need to type away on their little computers. But yeah, I was kind of sick of the world and trying to seek approval of everyone else online when I want to do something. I think it can be a dark place but it can also be a good tool. And it’s a fucking banger and I wrote it on my acoustic guitar, on me tod, in my dressing gown, in me Mams kitchen.

What is your favourite thing from Greggs?

Aah! You know what I love? My go to order is... I stroll into Greggs and I go straight to bottom right, hot or cold section. Ham and cheese baguette. I go up to the till and they go, “do you want it hot, love?”. I get it heated up and I get my tea with plenty of milk in. I think they use Yorkshire Tea bags, so we’re alright. I get my tea and my Quavers. It’s normally hotter than the fucking sun so I burn my mouth and can’t taste it but that, that’s the only Greggs I have. I never have anything else from there. I don’t even have a cake!

If you could have any celebrity to star in your music video, who would it be?

So, Ronald McDonald, the fucking clown from Mc Donald’s because I think he’s outta work at the moment something to do with legal reasons. He seems like a bit of a laugh, he’s always in his party get up. I should imagine he likes his ale and I think it’s a bit different because nobody’s done it before. I think we’d get along quite a lot and I love chicken nuggets man. Either him or Gillian McKeith, she handles poo.

Are there any Geordie artists you’re listening to at the minute?

The Pale White, I really like those lads. They’re good lads and their first album is an absolute banger. Sam Fender, obviously. He’s got some wicked tunes. Jango Flash are another great band, but I think the best would have to be Ant and Dec. They got a couple good tunes.

On that note, I’m going to test your knowledge on some Geordie slang. First up, what do you think “Haddaway” means?

Howay? Oh haddaway? Erm.. Go hide over there? It sounds like that though? HADDAWAY. HIDEAWAY! There you go. No?

Translation: Generic proclamation of negativity or disbelief

Next, do you know what “worky ticket” means?

Work for your tickets? That sounds like it. Worky ticket oh erm... I don’t know. I need a runny poo? Yeah or I’m hungry Mum. Similar thing.

Translation: A troublemaker or disruptive or otherwise irritating person

Okay last one for you. What do you think “in a fettle” means?

I’m not sure but I’ve got a cream for that. Does it mean inner peace? Oh, in a mood! I get that actually, I’m in a right fettle. I like that and I’m going to use that. HOWAY I’m in a fettle.

Do music and fashion go hand in hand with each other?

Yeah it does, massively. I love clothes, I’m pretty obsessed. When I hear music, first I’ll get an imagine in my head of what I think they’re going to look like clothes wise and stuff. Yeah it is a massive thing. People like Bowie, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Liam Gallagher, and Harry styles is a big one for me as well. The way they dress, is their personality and I think it’s an important thing to look good when you’re performing. I hate it when bands don’t care about it, because I think you’ve got to look cool when you’re playing on stage. People are coming to watch you and it’s a show at the end of the day isn’t it? If you turn up in a T-Shirt and trackies you may as well be playing in a car park.

You’re the DJ at the coolest indie club night in the country. What song do you open your set with and what song would you end with?

This is a big question. Right, I would start it with ‘Get down on it’ by Kool & The Gang and I would end it… with… ‘Young hearts run free’, my favourite song.

By - Katie Graham

Photo - Chloe Dunscombe


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