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Interview with Vennels

Tell me a bit about yourselves, what have you been up to over the past 12 months?

Writing songs, grafting, well trying to write some songs. We've made pretty much a whole new set, songs we are playing now we didn't have this time 12 months ago and then the songs we were playing then we don't play anymore. We've grew out of them but I think that's because we used to have an old singer.

Where did your bands name come from and how did you form?

Basically I used to work at Amazon, sorting letters on the night shift, I know very glamourous. We were trying to think of a new band name and this letter landed in front of me and it said The Vennel and I thought that would be an alright name for a band that like. It kind of moved over to Vennels nut nobody ever gets it right so it doesn't really matter.

What is the biggest highlight so far?

Probably just seeing Jude smile, that's all that is in it for me like. Zerox when we were supporting Bear Park was good. The o2 Academy also supporting Bear Park. Surf Café, that was a good one, also supporting Bear Park. Seems to be a bit of a theme going on.

How did you first get into making music?

Just growing up with good tunes really, you just kind of want to make some music don't you. Me and Urwin met in college and we both enjoyed the same music. I think lockdown played a big part in it as well, just getting off your arse and playing an instrument.

I was born into a family full of musicians, I started off with piano and I got no where with it. Then I changed over to drums and it took me four years to get it.

Well I wanted to play guitar but now I play bass, story of every bassist.

I also wanted it growing up, I used to have a guitar but I couldn't play it so I used to just stand there and strum it

What are some of your main musical influences?

For me, probably Chili Peppers, Paul Weller kind of stuff. I like a lot of 60s and 70s music as well.

With drums, a bit of Black Midi, can not beat a bit of Black Midi.

The last time someone asked him this question, he was drunk and he just went on and on about Black Midi.

George Ezra for Jude. He loves George Ezra.

Nah mate I do like him, there's nothing wrong with it. I was supposed to go and see him but it got cancelled. But he isn't like an influence, I think as like a front man you've got to chuck in Elvis Presley and Freddie Mercury.

If you could have any celebrity to star in a music video, who would it be?

Probably Ryan Reynolds, I love him, or Jack Black. Actually Ryan Reynolds and Jack Black in one music vide, that's what I would want.

If your music could be in any film, what one would it be in?

Probably any Tarantino movie, I'd take that.

What is the funniest thing that has happened whilst touring/performing?

See these are never that funny when you actually explain it. Actually last week I had a bit of a c*ck up. I'm swapping guitars and I had had a few brown ales, I seemed to be stood there trying to tune my guitar up, for a while like and it just wasn't even plugged in.

The first gig we ever played you forgot to turn your amp on.

Aye, it wasn't on and I was giving the sound guy proper aggressive finger movements.

One common theme that seems to happen whenever I'm playing, either with these or with my other band, is at least one part of my drum kit f*cks up. So last couple of times, its been the kick drum pedal, the actual beater flies out which is a pain. One time my base drum started falling because the nut wasn't in so it just started going over on an angle, that's happened a couple of times.

What's next for you?


That would be nice, I think we've got generic plans to get in the studio at some point. Hopefully soon-ish and get something out, get something released.

Crank out some bangers.

I think we've got one or two headlines in the works for later this year, which I can not go into too much detail on at the minute. We might be getting a gig somewhere outside the North East but it's nothing certain so I won't go into much detail but we might be extending our horizons a bit.

By - Katie Graham


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