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Jango Flash - Secret Warehouse Gig

Less than a week after Newcastle born, “kamikaze-pop” band ‘Jango Flash’ played their sell out show at the medieval Castle Keep, the 5 piece took to social media to announce a second hometown show. The show, hosted by GIGCO, was presented as a secret warehouse location, with fans getting transportation to the gig, as well as kindly treating everyone to a free bar for the night. The only way to bag one of 30 tickets was to enter the giveaway competition and we were lucky enough to have the chance to go down.

The night kicks off with fellow Geordie band ‘The Knats’ performing their set in the warehouse, decorated from floor to ceiling in street art. Following on, Jango Flash are introduced to the stage and kick straight into performing their song “Deeper Thrill”. Their electric performance has the crowd dancing away into the night, under the colourful lights and foggy haze.

Front-man, Jack Golightly, and his fellow bandmates grace the stage dressed in their usual array of funky sunglasses, and hats. The chemistry and buzz between the friends is clear to see as they move onto playing crowd favourite, “My Mercedes”. The catchy lyrics and infectious melody have fans singing and dancing along as Golightly sings “ I picked myself up off the floor, because I’m not that girl anymore…”

I’m sure I am not alone when I say another massive highlight of the night is when Jango Flash perform the song “Change Agents”. Released in 2020, the song is from Jango Flash’s “money and medicine” E.P which consists of four singles. As the song reaches is chorus, it’s impossible to not move your feet and feel the music.

The band finished off their 8 song set by thanking the crowd who, in response made sure they blew the roof off. Intimate shows like these are just what gig goers are craving after the last couple of years without live music and Jango Flash are rapidly heading in the right direction to being the next big geordie treasures.

By - Katie Graham

Photo - Adam Thirtle


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