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Midnight Butterflies-Sea Girls

The 4 piece indie rockers release their third and potentially best album yet.

Each listen to Sea Girls album "Midnight Butterflies" is like stepping back in time. The title track of the album takes you back to 2014 with its energetic, fast-paced guitar melody and drum-heavy groove, reminiscent of these indie rockers' pop perspective in the modern day.

Though it's one of Sea Girls' best albums to date, the entire record feels like a time capsule from ten years ago modified into their sound from today. Songs like "Come Back To Me" and "I Want You To Know Me" have a free-spirited, ecstatic vibe to them thanks to their rhythm and lyrics.

Tracks such as ‘Horror Movies’ ‘Scream And Shout’ and ‘After Hours’ although they are slower and more acoustic sounding tracks, weave perfectly within the rest of the groovy euphoric sounding tunes giving the perfect contrast that all albums need.

With the song "Polly," Sea Girls have created a perfect setting of an early 2000s romantic comedy, evoking feelings of dancing in your kitchen and a momentary escape from reality whilst bringing you back down to reality through the powerful words during “Weekends And Workdays”.

Sea Girls, which consists of Henry Camamile (Lead Singer) Andrew Dawson (Bass) Rory Young (Lead Guitar) and Oliver Khan (Drums), have combined the sounds and eras of their earlier albums and EPS into a more sophisticated, and authentic-sounding rendition of themselves.

Words - Katie Graham

Members- Henry Camamile (Lead Singer)

Andrew Dawson (Bass)

Rory Young (Lead Guitar)

Oliver Khan (Drums)



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