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Sea Girls-Truck Festival 2022

On day 2 of Truck Festival, the four piece indie rockers from London, took on the main stage in the Oxfordshire countryside.

not long after releasing their album "Homesick" back in March 2022, Sea Girls gave the crowd of Truck an incredible example of what being at a live music festival is all about, performing songs from both their newer and earlier albums.

The crowd were instantly bouncing with energy up in the air. Their dedicated fans got up on friends shoulders singing every word throughout the whole set.

The 45 minute set ended with one of their classics and fan favourite, "All I Want To Hear You Say. The crowd went absolutely mental, openi8ng mosh pits and dancing like there's no tomorrow as the lively set was brought to an end.

By - Katie Graham

Photo - Chloe Dunscombe


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